Renew to be New
After more than five years of continuous and collective efforts the Association Ram Dass Guru (ARDG) is looking at moving past into a new and promising future. A new chapter is unfolding itself.
During the last months several important and future-oriented changes have been implemented within our association. By setting clear objectives for the upcoming years, recruiting new staff members and by creating the new role of General Manager, that is in charge of managing all operational processes inside ARDG, another big step has been taken.
Of course, all the past activities will continue to be explored. For example, the Association will continue to take the teachings of Kundalini Yoga into disfavored parts of society. We even plan to expand this field of activity by reaching out to more social institutions that are open to our offering. This will only be possible with the help of yoga teachers who are willing to offer some of their time for teaching classes. In case you are feeling an inner call to contribute to this work, please feel free to contact the responsible coordinator via
As a member of ARDG you are also very welcome to actively build our local and global community, for example, by sharing information regarding Sangat, Seva or any Eco Project you may already be involved in. In case you want to write an article, which could potentially be published on our new BLOG, then please contact the responsible coordinator via
The Eco-Ashram of Quinta do Rajo is a wonderful place that enables the magic of nature and the human being to unite. Those who came here for a training and/or stayed here as a Sevadar probably can relate to this sentence easily, each one in their own personal way.
In order to keep this potential alive several ingredients have to be present and amalgamated in the right way. Amongst other things the day-to-day activities in the Ashram need to be managed with a very practical and down to earth approach. We therefore not only aim to continue providing the high-quality standards that have been set out in the past to all trainings and workshops that are facilitated here. We are also proactively engaging into improving all the associated processes connected with running the Ashram. For example, we aim to further reduce the usage of water and electricity, implement a better waste management and improve local food supply chains. Regular and conscious reflection with each other and also our internal Ashram meetings give us the necessary reality checks. We also appreciate your suggestions for further improvements. In case you want to share some ideas, please send your suggestions to or contact us personally.
We all need some form of spiritual guidance. This also is true for a community project like this Association. Independent of the teacher or guide you choose for yourself it is important to remember ourselves that the work that has been initiated by the founders of the Association, Satya Kaur and Shiv Charan Singh, has been inspired by the life and service of Guru Ram Dass. It is his example that inspires us to live with an ever-open attitude of zeal and compassion as well as keeping up our spirit of service.
This is reflected in many different ways. The very name of our Association helps us to remember our origins and to provide this welcoming environment that is based on Sangat and Seva consciousness. The great motivation and dedication that is being demonstrated by the current ARDG staff and all Sevadars is another visible sign. Managing all the workload of the recent changes wouldn´t have been possible without you. We, the board of directors, feel very grateful and want to THANK YOU ALL!
We also say thank you to all past, present and future contributors, Sevadars, members of the Association, donors and friends that contribute to the blossoming of our association.
It is our prayer that Association Ram Dass Guru and Ram Dass Guru Ashram, at Quinta do Rajo will continue to provide that inviting, loving and uplifting surrounding that allows for clarity and inner peace to come into our human presence. May this year be a year of fruitful, positive and healing action that creates hope amongst all and may we all find the courage to celebrate a conscious relationship with our true self. By the grace of Guru Ram Dass may we never forget that humbly serving each other is the true way to happiness
Sat Nam
The board of directors of ARDG
Shiv Charan Singh, Ram Prakash Kaur, Devta Singh