Kundalini Yoga Women’s Time

Give & Receive: Women’s Time in the Ashram for Autumn Equinox ✨
with Akasha, Prithi Nivas & Dass Shakti
Faith means to receive and love means to give. No one can receive without faith and no one can give without love.
~ The Gospel of Mary Magdalene
(Lars Muhl)
✨ Sat Naam sister ✨
A week for the women’s Sangat in the heart of Ashram Ram Dass Guru.
We dedicate this time to celebrate the Harvest of Autumn Equinox and to honor the balance of giving and receiving. Equinoxes are days of balance, their days and nights are equally long. They invite us to receive equilibrium within us and to open up to the generosity of life.
This gathering welcomes women of all ages to meet in the heart of the female community to share wisdom, explore true sisterhood and relax into beingness. Sangat invites us to look beyond our personal stories, likes and dislikes to a path of truth and real support. Together we practice Kundalini Yoga and Seva as a school of life.
When I am in service, do I also allow myself to receive its harvest?
We know generosity. We are women. We are caretakers. So let us celebrate caring equally for our loved ones, our homes, our souls calling and ourselves. Let us welcome the attitude of being in service to the world as women, so that it enriches ourselves as well. As women, life truly enters us and we receive and give life.
Restoring balance in our times often means relaxing more and letting the world come to us. Let us welcome the receiving and integrate that this is also a service we give.
Embraced by the spirit and daily practices of the ashram, we invite you to nourish your body and soul with music, chanting, massage and quiet time.
✨ On the programme ✨
~ Morning Sadhana (5:30 am)
~ Keertan (6:30pm)
~ Dancing & Chanting
~ Womb Wisdom
~ Massages
~ Resting times
~ Autumn Equinox Ashram Celebration & Gurdhware with the local Sangat (Saturday 23.09.)
~ Trips to the Sintra Forest and the beach
✨ Contact Akasha via pm or Prithi Nivas & Dass Shakti here:
Love & Blessings,
Akasha, Prithi Nivas & Dass Shakti